Silly question but it’s got me stuck

This may be a silly question however I’m still learning and have a long way to go. I have a printer but my family got me an Anycubic Kobra 2 pro for Christmas, it’s fast and is a great printer but I need to change the infill on a print to 100% it’s at 15% but I can’t find how to go about this . My old printer is easy on computer but this one is on my phone. Can anyone help ?

Also in case anyone is having a problem, in my wisdom :woozy_face: I thought I was looking after it well I washed the magnetic print plate with alcohol but the print did not stick to it I think I washed the coating off. I was using a glue stick, I’m an artist and have a can of spray sealer while trying to think how to fix it I tried the sealer it worked so well I printed a full spool of filament most small things on the one spot and it just let one print slip at the end of the spool I coated it again still going strong. If anyone is having a problem with the print plate give it a try , it’s just an acrylic sealer.

Hey there,

This setting is called infill density on most slicers. What slicer are you currently using, I could try to give you some help to pinpoint exactly where it is located!


Try printing with 98% infill. Some printers have problems with print quality when using 100% infill.

TY LN I was reading about that sort of thing I guess 2% will not make any difference to the strength of the print anyway great idea . TY :facepunch::sunglasses:

When I need stronger parts, I increase the number of walls or perimeters. However, for heavier parts, I usually increase the infill. In my opinion, the infill serves only two purposes: making it easier to print the top layer and maintaining the walls’ geometry.

Thank you Tiago I get what you are saying and sounds like a great idea when I find the settings I’ll be asking how to do that lol .

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