Is there anybody here that is familiar with the Creality Sonic Pad, Klipper and direct drives? I received a Sonic Pad as an early Christmas gift, everything went smoothly until I realised the printer config file was set up for a stock hotend. I have an Ender 3 V2 along with a Micro Swiss NG. I’ve tried to figure out how to input the micro steps but Klipper uses rotational distance, I’m stumped. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Personally, I set a generic value for the extruder and then do a calibration.
I’m also using a Micro Swiss NG and the Klipper values that I’m using for it are:
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 23.45
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
Thank you for the quick reply, I’ll try that out, thanks again.
How did you get these values, from the calibration? If I use the calculator with my current e-steps of 400 it gives me a rotational distance of 8, do you multiply that by 3 for the gear ratio?
How did you come up with your original value of 400? That sounds right for a Z axis screw drive but not for an extruder. Before I moved to Klipper, I had an E-step value of 135 in Marlin which, using the calculator I linked you with originally, gives you a “rotation_distance” of 23.7 which I used for the “measure and trim” procedure for Klipper (linked below) to get the 23.45 value.
When you do “measure and trim”, I recommend you go 100mm, not the 50mm in the Klipper documentation.
Micro Swiss has a g-code file you can download to set the e-steps (400), 3D Printing Canada also told me to set the e-steps to 400.
Arggh. Sorry, I’m not using an NG I’m using the Direct Drive which I thought used the same gearing.
Regardless, use the same process - start with a value of 8 and then do a measure and trim to see what the actual value is.
Let us know how you make out.
I used 8 and the actual value turned out to be 7.723, re-tested now I ask for 100mm and I get 100 on the nose. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.