Hello all. After a prolonged absence, due to health issues, I’ve picked up printing again. This time with a Ceality CR-10 Max. I’m printing with ColorFabb PLA LW HT fillament. I’ve used the 3D Printer Calibration from Teaching Tech to set up my printer. I’m running into stringing problems, and the calibration program gives me no solution.
I’m printing at 250C with a bed temp of 60C. Using the calibration program gives me aretraction of 22 mm and a retractionspeed of 72mm/sec.
Does anyone has a suggestion to improve this problem?
Regards, Caistor
I run my CR10S Pro, for PLA, at 205 / 50. Retraction at 2mm at speed of 25mm/s.
I do run a Micro Swiss all metal hot end c/w Micro Swiss direct drive.
My K1 runs PLA at 230 with bed at 45, running at 300mm.s print speed.
I think you could take the temperature down a few notches, in 5 degree increments, and see how that fairs.
Thank you for your suggestions. I’ve run the calibration program with settings: speed-300mm/sec, print temp 210g, retraction 22 mm and retraction speed 7200 mm/min. The results have dramatically improved.
I’ve started printing on my model and now have to await thefinal result. I’ll let you know asap.
Regards, Caistor
My printer has been running overnight and this morning I discoverd, that the problem still was there. Although the calibration test showed no stringing worth mentioning, it was back on the print
I would continue working on your temperature and retraction settings, seems to me like a mix of the temperature being too high and not enough retraction.
Hello. I would like to help you, but I need a little more information about your printer. Do you have an original Bowden extruder or a modified extruder? Could you please provide the Gcode file you are using to calibrate your printer?
I can recommend you to start with the following data for the original CR-10 Max extruder: no more than 50 mm/s (preferably 35-45 mm/s), the extrusion length starts from 4-8 mm (take 5 mm to start). It seems to me that the print speed of 300 mm/s is too high for a printer of this size, start with 60-100 mm/s and after you achieve excellent printing at these speeds, increase the print speed
Hello, I’m using the standard setup of the CR-10 Max, so with the original bowden extruder.
I’ cant upload the Gcode file I’ve used at the latest attempt
Try the settings I recommended. Let me know how it goes. By the way, which slicer do you use?
I’m using Simplify3D as slicer.
As soon as this part is finnished, which will take another 21 hours, I’ll start experimenting with your settings. I’ll be in touch.
On my testprints I ended up with a printing temo of 210C giving the expected results.
While preparing for new tests tomorrow, I discoverd I had forgotten to reduce the printing temp from 250C to 210C, wich causes the stringing. Tomorrow I’ll run the test agian, to check.
Hello all,
I´ve been test printing all aftrernoon and finally got the wanted results.
I´ve followed the advice of @Alex3D and finnished with the following settings:
print speed 175 mm/sec, retraction distance 14 mm, retraction speed 60 mm/sec, all by a print temp of 210C.
So I’m a happy printer again. Thanks all!
I’m glad I could help you. But it is still very unusual to see numbers in 14mm retract distance. I would not recommend using more than 10mm. If the extruder is clogging during printing, reduce the retract distance. But if you are fine with these settings, I am happy.
Hello all,
one last addition: I’ve been tweaking the retraction distance4s, after I adjusted the slicer flow because of a lower printing temp.
After tweaking I now have a retraction distabce of 6 mm and a retraction speed of 70 mm/sec.
No stringing now occurs.
Thank you all for your contibutions.
If you find stringing returns change the nozzle. Worn nozzles cause stringing and once they start it just compounds.
Thank you for your tip. I’ll keep it in mind.
Regards, Caistort