I wish I could give you a coherent wish list but I really can’t.
You doing product review videos is really valuable me; as is hosting this site - I will look to you for getting my next printer. I’m definitely going to drop by the store in the next few days as I’ve never been there before and maybe that will give me ideas as to what I would like from you.
When I look at the previous replies, I would caution you against offering compiled firmware images and slicer profiles. First off, very few lower cost (less than $1k) printers are stock after the first few months and, not to be insulting to people on this list or on the Facebook groups I’m on, a great majority of them don’t understand what the changes will do to the resulting prints. A lot of them are of the order, “I was told to buy %%%%% and now the nozzle is scraping my printing surface. I don’t have a working printer and I it looks like I have a big bill to get things working again - can anybody help me?” I can see the support work for firmware images growing exponentially with this.
Similarly with providing filament profiles. I don’t think you can do one size fits all for the different printers out there AND I suspect that there will be differences in different production lots and filament colours which will add significantly to the workload of ensuring the profiles are correct.
Along with printers, I’m interested in accessories for my printers - the Sunlu filament heater I just purchased being a good example of that. Having a video to go along with it really sealed the deal. I’m not sure if that extrapolates to a very complete line of different hot ends and specific printer upgrades.
If you look at my online purchases to the store, you’ll see that I use you as a source of parts with quick delivery times when something wears out. I think you need to be incredibly focused on stocking just 3D printer parts as you’re competing with Digi-Key for electronic parts, McMaster-Carr for mechanicals and Open Builds when it comes to structural parts. If somebody is looking for a deal on multiples of specific parts and are willing to wait they’re going to go to AliExpress. What might be helpful is providing links to these sources for specific types of parts (people tend to trust a retailer when they point out companies that do things better than them and they understand the market).
Something that could be useful would be a .gcode repository for common testing models (Benchy, a temperature tower, calibration tests, etc.) so that people have a quick resource for these models that should be fairly non-specific when it comes to printers and may require some .gcode processing.
Sorry I have a lot of don’ts here and not a lot of dos.
I want nothing more than you to succeed and I want you to avoid falling into expensive holes that will anger/frustrate customers more than help them.