How do I open ?
I converted a Tronxy X5SA Printer To a Ender 5 Plus configuration I am having problems with Z Axis which is the build table The difficulty is it goes down when homing i need to change the firmware to reverse homing direction. can someone help me
I purchase a SKR Mini E3 V2.0 from 3D printing Canada.
the board which does support Dual Axis motors. Every function Seems to be working correctly with exception of of the homing function. I need the ability to change the firmware by opening it in Visual Studio Code . In it’s present it dose not understand the file what am I doing wrong (rong) ?
Strongely suggest you find a tutorial for building your own firmware from the source. VS is not able to “open” a compiled firmware.
This is a fairly indepth tutorial which also covers VS code and setup
I found the Piece very informative I am not sure if I could handle all without studying for some time but I got the gist of it
I looked at that today, I wanted to compile and try some different firmware. it’s not that bad really. Once you know how to find documentation for a firmware recipe it’s easy to navigate. Just knowing what you can and can’t change is a bit of a learning curve. In my firmware “Branch” there is a lot of explanation right inside the files
MY question is it the h.config file that I should use ?
This may be a dumb question
No… it depends what you want to change. From the Marlin page.
contains the core settings for the hardware, language and controller selection, and settings for the most common features and components. -
serves up more detailed customization options, add-ons, experimental features, and other esoterica.
Basically but not always, if it’s new hardware there’s settings in adv.h you need to turn on. if its adjusting a setting on the hardware that’s already working its likely in .h
Here’s a video that can help get you started.