I installed a double wham kit on my Ender 3 and use a Creality powdered PEI kit on my CR-6-SE. I can confirm that both plates work with either magnet, for secure printing. In fact, although the two bed sizes are different, it is possible to use either sheet on the other printer, if one is careful to align them to pass between the gantry pillars.
hey, i got a wb plate for my mars2pro resin printer. i use mr clean to rinse my finished parts and notice there’s a bit of residue that remains, that cant be removed with ipa. is this normal? i gave it a light sanding with the fine grit paper included, and seems better.
I installed the Wham Bam on my Ender 3 and on my Elegoo Saturn. I honestly haven’t tried the Saturn yet but I’m having a hell of a time getting prints to stick to the PEI sheet. Ice scratched that puppy up at least a dozen times with the pad provided and it works some of the time. I’m getting pretty fed up tbh. Any advice to help get PEI stick?
I mainly print PLA but i also have PETG that has issues.
Printed a small 41x41mm print that came loose off the bed and jammed up my hotend.
I’ve followed all the videos and stuff not seeming to get good bed adhesion. IPA to clean, scratch the loving crap out of it, turn up the heat, slow down the first layer to 15mm/s. I have a BLTouch dialed in for great first layer when it works and i level the bed often.
Same boat here. Just purchased a WhamBam, got it all installed, cleaned, prepped, levelled. Upped the bed temp to 70 degrees (printing PLA). I think about 60% of my prints fail (usually after at least an hour of printing) because the items come un-stuck from the plate. The odd time that this thing actually works, it’s fantastic. I’m about ready to tear it off and go back to my original bed since at least things stuck to it, often far too well which was the reason I got the WhamBam in the first place.
OK, so I reached out to WhamBam for some help. End result, I lowered my Z offset by another 0.01mm, and ended up lowering my hot end temp from 205 to 195 based on a temp tower that Wham Bam suggested I print out. I’ve now printed about a half dozen different projects, all stayed happily stuck to the bed surface until it cooled down, and then they slid right off.
Wham Bam were quick to reply, asking for pictures of my first layers and failed prints. They seem eager to help, I wouldn’t hesitate to get in touch with them again if I have any grief.