3DPC sells “Natural” in a 10kg spool (way more than I would ever need), Translucent Spectrum PLA and standard transparent blue (standard transparent green is out of stock). One out of three other Canadian suppliers (I know of) sells “Natural”, which looks more white than clear. I see a number on Amazon, but have no idea what the quality is like for these brands.
Maybe branch out and get clear PETG. It is just as easy to print with.
We do offer just the 1kg spools of natural PLA+ as well, this is personally my go to and I have found it to be the clearest ‘translucent’ PLA I have ever used.
The key is drying it, I kept it in a dryer at a lower temp for an hour or so before printing, you don’t want to dry out the filament too much, then I dried it while it was printing as well. Any moisture in the print will cause it to loose the translucentness (is that a word?).
Can you tell me why you sell Natural Transparent - Standard PLA Filament on a 10kg spool, but not a 1kg spool?
Anyway, I need to rethink this. I found a very in depth discussion about transparent, translucent, natural and clear in an old Reddit post. I don’t know how well PETG or PLA+ will bond with PLA and I need this for a multi-color print.
Honestly I have no clue
PLA+ will stick fine to PLA, but PETG will not stick to PLA/PLA+
Even the transparent filaments have layer lines so they really are not that transparent.
Petg and pla generally will not bond.
Not to be the English teacher but I think the word would be translucency. LOL.
THANK YOU, I totally didn’t spend the entire rest of the day trying to figure out what that word was
I only need one or two layers.
Transparent PLA in my experience is more brittle than regular PLA, probably because you can’t put additives in it which will affect the translucency. I suspect that is why manufacturers don’t sell transparent PLA. 3DPC used to sell them in many colours, I had red, blue, purple, etc. at one point.