Wine Bottle Draining Rack

One of my many hobbies is home winemaking, and draining the bottles by standing them upside down on the counter is a precarious situation, just asking for an unintended avalanche, leading to broken bottles on the kitchen floor!.. One of my first projects with my Ender 5 S-1 was a rack to hold bottles inverted safely to allow them to drain before filling… Here is a photo of the finished product…

Each rack holds 8 standard wine bottles, so I made four, because a typical 6 gal. batch of wine produces 30 (sometimes 31) bottles… Here is a photo of them being used…

I don’t know how or where to post an .stl file here, but I can tell you each one takes 12 hours to print!..



great idea. I used to bottle my own but got away from it. Now I just order it by the case from the liquor store. Ya I am a wino. lol

You probably would want to put the .stl on Thingiverse(.com).

yes you could post it on thingiverse and put the link here.

Either way that counter looks like a good weekend. … glug glug glug… :wine_glass:

Thanks for recommending I publish on Thingiverse… Here is the link…
