Yellow springs too tight upgrade Ender 3

Hello all,
I’ve purchased some yellow springs as part of an upgrade kit for the Ender 3 v2. However, when installing them, I find them to be so much tighter than the stock ones that I can’t squeeze the bed down enough to avoid the nozzle touching. Here’s a pick of the nozzle at origin and the bed without the glass bed on it:

As you can see, if I add the glass bed (which I cannot do without) the nozzle will slam into it and something will break. Is the solution to just put the z-axis “click” limit a bit higher to raise the height of the nozzle when it homes? Or should I cut the springs to make them less tight?
Thanks a lot!

These springs come in various lengths, maybe your printer needs shorter ones.

You will need to loosen the z-limit switch and raise it up sligtly, start by raising it up around 5-10mm and then tighten the switch and redo the bed leveling. If you are happy with the resulting tension on the spring then you are good to go, if you feel it is a bit too loose then loosen the sensor and move it down slightly, or vice versa for too tight.

:+1: I’ll do that

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