Okidoki. I’ve a BLTouch installed on my Ender-5 Pro, wired up as the Z Endstop as per Teaching Tech’s instrucitons, running Marlin 2.-something-bugfix, and everything worked fine for ages, until suddenly it just stopped deploying. There was no obvious issue, it just wouldn’t work when I started the next print.
The probe had previously gotten kinked from a collision so I thought it might just be stuck. Trying to straighten it, I broke the probe! Oh no! But I managed to fins a store in YEG that sold spares, so yesterday got a new probe. Today I put it in did a couple test deploys, all was good. Then It stopped deploying after I re-mounted it. Ack!
A reddit thread suggested the grubscrew might be too loose, so after a couple attempts at tightening that I’ve got it so the probe will stow, deploy, self-test, and auto-home properly. Hooray!
However, when use the menus to LEvel Bed, it doesn’t work. The printer homes properly, including using the BLTouch at the centre of the print bed to home z; then it moves to the first probing position, brings the bed up almost high enough to contact the probe… and then it moves the bed back down, tries once more, and signals “STOPPED” on the screen.
I’ve cycled the power repeatedly. I also thought the problem might be too large of a zed offset, now that I’ve got a new probe (though really I expected the “not bent in the middle” probe to be longer) so I ran through the Zed Offset Wizard and got it set okay with the paper test. But it’s still doing the exact same thing.
I haven’t reseated the wires yet, partly because that’s a pain in the butt. Also, the z-homing is working, which implies that the BLTouch is able to get a reading… unless bringing the printhead all the way up to the corner is breaking a connexion?
Any suggestions?