***Update – Here is the link to download the standard profiles:
Cura: Printables
Prusaslicer: Printables
I have been working on making a PrusaSlicer Profile for the Creality K1, and K1 Max. I am just in the process of testing them to make sure everything is working properly, but they seem to be going good so far.
I will have 3 profiles available, one that has slower speeds and subsequently higher quality parts, one that runs at about the same speed as crealityslicer and also has better quality, and one that runs even faster than stock, I have seen 10-20% faster with minimal tweaking. In my opinion all the parts, even the ones at higher speeds, have come out better quality than the ones from CrealitySlicer. But the differences are quite small.
Anyhow, I will hopefully have these profiles up soon for everyone to check out!
Absolutely I can share the profile! I will just put the warning on this that it is experimental.
Warning!!! This profile is under development and is experimental, please have fun cautiously!
There that should do it
The link that I have shared is for the pretty baseline standard speeds, they do run a bit faster than the stock slicer settings but I find the quality is a good deal better. I will be sharing the profiles for the ultra fast speeds (I got up to around 60% faster) in the coming days, but those ones definitely still need some testing.
If you find you have any ideas or concerns about the profile that I have provided please don’t hesitate to ask. One thing that I have noticed with this is that I can’t get the slicer to control the part cooling fan on the side of the printer. This is simple enough however, and you can just turn it on through the UI.
The profiles I have shared were developed in SuperSlicer but can be used with any alternative. If it throws an error about definitions when installing it simply just allow it to make the changes and you will be good to go
I have updated the original post to include the link to download the files. Please let me know how it goes and feel free to send any pics of the prints that you get!
Exciting news for all you Cura lovers! I have made a new profile for cura and I have made a couple minor tweaks to the PrusaSlicer profile. I have replaced the links in the original post, please try it out and let me know what you think!
Same as always if you have any suggestions for tweaks that could be made please feel free to let me know!
can I print directly from PRUSA to K1? I’m not being able to connect both, I’m having to expor code from Prusa em import to Creality Print, any tips on that? thanks a lot for the profiles !
My apologies for the delayed reply. Yes you should be able to do this, I have not experimented with it yet as I prefer using the usb stick.
As @Davethegearhead said, you may need to do some tom-foolery with the firmware in order to get it to go, but you might also be able to use the ip address outputted by the printer. You can find this by going into the settings menu and going into wifi settings, in there it should be listed for you.
I am running Creality’s latest firmware that gives root access and have setup moonraker. I can print direct from Cura and use mainsail as my interface. They have a github page with the details. I believe the octoeverywhere folks are working on method to install it on the k1.
I have added some links to the PrusaSlicer Profile for PETG, it has minimal testing as I don’t often print PETG. If you run into any problems please just let me know!
where does orca slicer fit into this scenario ?;
after installing it and looking at it for a minute suggests that it has a profile for both the K1 and the K1 Max
somewhat different slant: i have a 12 core ryzen 9 5900; i Think the 3d rendering i am doing ( e.g., prusa slicer ‘fix with netfabb’) is cpu intensive rather than the gpu doing much of the work;
is that really the case ( i have an rtx 3070 gpu) ?
to other-speak it, would upgrading to an RTX 3090 be a better upgrade than going to a ryzen 9 5950 ?
3070 → 3090
5900 → 5950
((my 'fix with netfabb" sometimes cpu-temperature-throttles for long periods; possible i can turn on gpu rendering ?))
That cpu and gpu are waaaay more power than you would need to run that. What cooler are you using for your cpu, it seems to me if it is thermal throttling then there is an issue with cooling rather than hardware.
The 5900 was a pretty hot running chip, as were all 5th gen ryzen chips. I run a 5800x3d at home and I use an AIO for it, even then it was still running a bit hot so I ended up slightly undervolting it. This can be a bit risky if you don’t know what your doing, so I would suggest just starting with a good cooler upgrade. Make sure you use high quality thermal paste as well.