Hello from Almonte Ontario

I’ve been at this for just over two years, with a Creality Ender 3 Pro. My printer tends to spend a fair bit of time taken apart, but only because I like playing with it. I upgraded to the Creality silent board, and that was a treat. Much quieter, and very smooth. Then I bought the BTT TFT35 touch screen for it, and discovered that it needed to be paired with a BTT SKR main board. So I put in the SKR E3 Mini, and it worked like a dream. Then I bought an E3d V6 hotend, and on installing it, I forgot to turn the printer off, shorted either the thermistor or the heater, and fried the main board. I’m on my second board now, and so far it’s not printing at all well. So, I guess what I’m hoping for in this group is a sharing of cool ideas and troubleshooting we’ve tried.

Welcome to the forum

I’m from Perth, about a lifetime ago. We lost to your high school football team lots.
I’m currently wrestling a Geeetech A10M, which is an Ender 3 clone with a dual mixing hotend.


You shorted the heater. It’s a common boo-boo although it usually happens when people clean the hot end with a brass brush.

Ha! I never thought of cleaning it with a brass brush. I can certainly see how that would short it. I’ll remember to avoid that.

Perth, eh? I don’t know when you were in high school, but when I was there (1977-1981) our team was all right, but we got murdered by Smiths Falls most games. Those guys were huge.
I just looked up your machine, and yes it does look awfully similar, but the mixing looks pretty cool, though a little weird seeing the extruders sitting way up on top. How does it work, fairly smooth?

I was 86-91, we got beat by everyone.
The A10M was, add expected, lots of work, but I was looking for a challenge, A10M Purchase to Productive ,
Happy with it now, printing pretty tight, just noisy, so maybe a different motherboard, on the future so I can use TMC2209’s.

I looked up your machine, and yes it does look a lot like mine, except for the two extruders sitting up on top. Interesting design. My Ender 3 was pretty noisy when I got it too, but switching to the BTT SKR E3 Mini board made a HUGE difference. It’s incredibly smooth and quiet now.


Welcome to the forum!