CR Touch on an Ender5 pro

Sounds like your printer’s firmware has the bed dimensions set smaller than they really are. Have you ever compiled firmware? If you have, set the bed dimensions to what the build plate is, and that should solve the problem. Since you are asking though, I will venture to guess that you used preconfigured firmware that you downloaded. If that is the case, and you would rather not go down the rabbit hole of learning how to compile firmware, then I would suggest going here. Firmware Builder - Marlin Firmware Service
For a donation of whatever you feel is fair, you can have access to precompiled firmware for one year, or alternatively, you can use the firmware builder, which has the ender 5 pro with either the 8 bit board, the v4.2.2 board, or the v4.2.7 board options. After selecting the correct board option, you can configure a lot of options to fit your uses. Once you have all the options configured to your liking, you can click “build”, and after what is usually around a 5 minute wait, the file will be ready for downloading. Keep in mind the firmware is gonna be of the nightly release of Marlin, not the stable release. I use custom compiled firmware from there in my Ender 3s, and no issues so far for me, but the chance of bugs would be a bit higher than on the stable release

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